Friday 27 November 2015

My Thoughts On: Jessica Jones - Part 4 (#149)

Well, we're here with the final part already. This is the last post in the 'My Thoughts On: Jessica Jones' series, and so covers episodes 10, 11, 12 and 13, the last four. Scroll down for the finale.

Episode 10: AKA 1,000 Cuts

Synopsis: A discovery has the potential to change the entire game -- if Jessica can refuse Kilgrave's offer.
Quote: "I bought Jessica her bloody childhood home and restored it perfectly. If that's not a grand romantic gesture, I don't know what the bloody hell is." -- Kilgrave, speaking with Wendy Ross-Hogarth.
Favourite Part: When Wendy is told by Kilgrave to kill Jeri Hogarth by giving her a thousand cuts, and she begins to do exactly that. It shows how people will do exactly as Kilgrave tells them too, and I kept wondering how many cuts she was going to inflict before somebody stopped her. I can't really remember but I think it was 30 (or at least around that number).
My Opinion: This episode followed up from episode 9, which is hands down one of the best and possibly the greatest episode in the whole season, like I said last time. This one was more of a 'recovery' episode, as I like to call it; things cooled down a tiny bit and got a little less crazy after last episode as Kilgrave escaped and the other main characters all separated. However, this doesn't at all make it a bad episode; the villain is still on the movie (edit: supposed to say move, but it'd be cool if Kilgrave was in a movie, and I'm not talking about David Tennant acting in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) and a lot of tense things are still happening. At the end of the episode, there is a scene where Hope commits suicide in a restaurant and Kilgrave orders Malcolm plus the members of the 'Kilgrave support group' to hang themselves. They escape luckily, but a key characters has still just died so that Jessica can rid the world of this mind controlling monster.
Rating: 4/5

Episode 11: AKA I've Got The Blues

Synopsis: Jessica searches the morgues for clues. Trish goes all out to keep Simpson from getting in Jessica's way. Malcolm has an epiphany.
Quote: "I'm gonna-gonna kill him (Kilgrave), but she (Jessica) just keeps getting in the way." - Sergeant Simpson.
Favourite Part: The cliffhanger of the episode: we finally see Luke Cage again after not seeing him for a lot of episodes, but at a cost; Kilgrave made him blow up his bar.
My Opinion: More of the truth is revealed behind these mysterious and seemingly dangerous pills that Simpson has been taking recently, and this actually relates to the episode title, since if you take a red pill without taking a blue pill, your brain forgets to tell your lungs to breathe. Trish takes a red and gets superhuman strength for a while, which brings her up to Jessica's level and helps her to defend herself more, at least more a while. After all, Patricia Walker is Hellcat in the comic books, so this was probably referencing that. Also, I believe Sergeant Simpson is supposed to be the MCU version of a Daredevil villain in the comic books, so if there's a season 2 maybe he'll become a main villain in that? (Speaking of which, I hope there's a second season of JJ.)
Rating: 3/5

Episode 12: AKA Take a Bloody Number

Synopsis: The hunt for Kilgrave reunites Jessica with Luke. Trish receives some unexpected information about Simpson and Jessica.
Quote: "When I, uh, when he (Kilgrave) made me kill Reva I didn't realise it at the time, but I think it severed the hold he had on me." -- Jessica Jones.
Favourite Part: Kilgrave confessing to Jessica that, for the previous episode or so, everything that Luke Cage did and said was under his control, so all the sweet, tender moments she shared with Luke recently, she was technically sharing with Kilgrave (as seen in picture above).
My Opinion: The penultimate episode of JJ. After the sudden events that occured at the end of last episode, Jessica is reunited with Luke again and the two work together as super heroes for a while to try and continue Jones' plans to find and kill Kilgrave (so basically Kill-grave? Heheheh (also his name in the comics actually is Zebediah Killgrave AKA The Purple Man)). However, a devastating and rage-fuelling plot twist hurts Jessica's friendship/relationship with Luke as Kilgrave reveals that he had been controlling Luke the whole time, and orders him to kill Jessica which results in a large brawl between the two super powered citizens. In the end, Jessica has no choice but to shoot Luke straight in the head, leaving him possibly dead and leaving us to see what happens in the next episode. I have to say though, something struck me as odd here. If Luke Cage has unbreakable skin, and Jessica shot him in the head, wouldn't it have no effect since the bullet wouldn't be able to enter his skull since it wouldn't be able to pierce through his skin? Maybe I missed something, but I don't think I did. At first I actually thought episode 13 would start with him waking up and being fine since the bullet didn't actually go through his skin and he just fainted or something, but no, I guess he really did get shot. I think they probably should have explained this better though, unless they did and I didn't catch it or wasn't paying attention.
Rating: 4.5/5

Episode 13: AKA Smile

Synopsis: Jessica and Luke get help from someone else in the neighbourhood. Kilgrave gears up for a major test of his powers against Jessica.
Quote: "If Patsy or I ever hear from you, or see you, see anyone who looks like you, she will slit her own throat." -- Kilgrave.
Favourite Part: Seeing Claire Temple first appear at the Metro-General hospital, linking the show to Daredevil. Remember, in the MCU, 'it's all connected'.
My Opinion: The final episode of the series (at least for now). The first half of the episode features Jessica taking Luke Cage to the hospital, where she meets Claire Temple. The two of them go back to Jones' apartment where Claire can properly treat Luke Cage, as she has previous experience nursing super heroes back to health. In the last part of the episode, our main character finally confronts Kilgrave at the docks where, despite his attempts to escape with her best friend/foster sister Patsy, she ends his abusive reign by snapping his neck without a second thought.
Rating: 4/5

That's the end of My Thoughts On: Jessica Jones. I hope you enjoyed it, but like I said when I was creating Top Ten Turnabouts back in September, these multi-part review projects are really hard and draining to make and I don't really want to do those much any more. Two or three parters are pretty fine, but anything above that requires a lot of time spent typing on my laptop.

Stay tuned for a post that you probably aren't going to like. It was hard for me to write but I poured my heart into it and although I'm sad about it, it's just how it has to be right now. If I say any more, it'll probably spoil to you what it is, so wait until tomorrow when it will be uploaded.

Edit: Actually, I thought about it and I might as well upload it now, since there's not really any point in holding it back. I would speak more about it, but, well, you can just look at the post itself. It'll be uploaded straight after this is up, within a minute or even less. It's fairly long but it's definitely worth reading through, I think.

Oh yeah, if you want to see part 3, the previous part, click here.


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